Friday, January 25, 2013

Mom - Friday, Jan. 25, 2013

Mom - Friday, January 25, 2013

Called the hospital today and her Hemoglobin is up to 10.? which is slowly climbing.  This is good.
However her white blood cell count has risen back to 13.  Not good so they were going to send her
back to the nursing home but will wait and collect a WBC count tomorrow.

When I saw her last night, 24th, she was showing signs of discomfort & I knew it had to be either
a passing stomach ache or the infection coming back & was looking for the WBC this AM to tell
me which it was but when I called no count had been ordered which was strange considering there
was one all week.  This AM would have been the 72 hours since last antibioitic dose which would
be when any infection would return.  So I called and as POA requested one & sure enough the
WBC is climbing back up.  I figured the dropping WBC through the week was while she was
still having the antibiotics in the system.  The funny thing is I expected it to be 13.  I have gotten to know her so well I could predict the count.

No new ones have been ordered and the Infectious Diseases MD hasn't seen her today or made
new orders.  Maybe they are waiting to see if the WBC is higher, same or lower tom.  She has had
an awful lot of antibioitics in her system.  Tomorrow we will see.  I am glad her hemoglobin is going
in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Update on Mom on Friday:

    I went to visit mom tonight & she had a temp. of 100 so she is actually getting sicker again. I hope that her primary has her seeing the Infectious Diseases MD soon. At least they did collect a sputum sample.
